SONGWRITING WORKSHOPS | VicHealth Future Reset Program
The Push is excited to invite you to our FREE Songwriting Workshops for culturally and linguistically diverse young people this January.
The workshops have been created for culturally and linguistically diverse young people (aged 12-25) in Victoria who want to develop their songwriting skills, while sharing their culture and stories.
Gain experience in song writing from these music industry pros and hear advice on how you can amplify your own voice in music.
The themes explored in these discussions will also help inform The Push and VicHealth on how to better support your communities in the future.
Places are limited so please register ASAP, we will be prioritising First Nations peoples, as well as other culturally and linguistically diverse music makers.
16 January
Footscray Community Arts Centre with facilitators NYUON and Orange Orange
NYUON and Orange Orange
17 January
The Band Booth (Dandenong) with facilitators JULAI and Mulalo
JULAI and Mulalo
18 January
The Push Office at Collingwood Yards with facilitator Komang
As a part of your registration, we will ask you to submit a link to a sound or song that reminds you of your upbringing, to share in the workshop.
Participants can have their vocals recorded to help us capture the story telling on the day. This recording may be used in a variety of ways, but you will remain unidentifiable unless you give permission.