The Push set to deliver landmark research into all-ages events in partnership with MusicNSW, supported by Sound NSW


The Push is excited to launch an Australian-first research project into the current state and best practice for staging all-ages events in New South Wales, funded and supported by Sound NSW through strategic project funding, and in partnership with MusicNSW.

Working in partnership with MusicNSW – The Push will consult industry experts, young people, and community stakeholders via a series of roundtables and in-depth conversations to ensure the research and guide reflects the diverse perspectives and aspirations of the industry.


“Contemporary music plays a vital role in the daily lives of young people. However, with promoters and venues increasingly prioritising 18+ events in licensed premises, there have been reduced opportunities for underage young people to experience and build a connection to live music culture across New South Wales. Sound NSW’s investment in the NSW All-Ages Best Practice Guide and the NSW All-Ages Research is setting the benchmark nationally for how we can better understand and practically respond to the changing landscape of both the sector and young audiences at this time.”

- Kate Duncan, CEO of The Push

The Push has a long history of championing youth engagement in the music industry, with a focus on creating opportunities for young people to connect with live music in meaningful ways. This new project furthers The Push’s role as a leader in advocating for young people’s access to music experiences and industry pathways.



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