Want to stage an all-ages event in Victoria? Learn more about The Push’s All-Ages Grants


The Push’s new All-Ages Grants Program launches today to better connect young audiences to live music events across Victoria

We’re excited to launch our 2024-2025 All-Ages Grants program – an initiative supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria. This program offers $5000 to support live music venues, booking agents, artists, promoters and community organisations to stage all-ages shows throughout Victoria between 6 November 2024 and 31 May 2025.  


Recent research commissioned by The Push shows that despite, an overwhelming majority of young Australians stating that live music is important to them, age remains a significant barrier to accessing live music events: A finding with significant implications for the development of future live music audiences.

We know that underage young people have limited opportunities to experience music events in the same way as overage audiences. The All-Ages Grants program directly responds to this – supporting artists, venues and promoters to invest in all-ages events that foster formative opportunities for a new generation of live music audiences.”

– CEO of The Push, Kate Duncan

“Young music fans often don’t have the same opportunities to experience the thrill of live music as those aged 18 plus. The Allan Labor Government is proud to back this grants program which will help create more opportunities for young Victorians to experience live music events across the state,”

– Minister for Creative Industries Colin Brooks.

Applications will open 23 September and close 18 October, but to be amongst the first with all the details, register your interest below.


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