A Message From Our Chairperson: Reflecting On the Year That Was and Welcoming New Team Members

New Push Staff (left to right) Brandon Le Gallez, Beatrice Lewis and Lisa Lorenz.

New Push Staff (left to right) Brandon Le Gallez, Beatrice Lewis and Lisa Lorenz.


Well – what a year it’s been! 

This year saw The Push grow in size, move into its incredible new home at Collingwood Yards and digitise its program delivery; while championing and amplifying the voices of young people and their experiences of this particularly challenging time.

As my first year as Chairperson draws to a close, I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the great outcomes our team at The Push has managed to achieve during such a weird year. Well done to you all.

Staff Update

With that in mind, I am also very pleased to welcome our newest staff members to The Push. 

Lisa Lorenz recently commenced in the role of All-Ages Program Manager. Lisa comes from the City of Port Phillip where she ran both the FReeZA and Youth Advisory Committees. Lisa's knowledge in youth participation, marketing and a love of volunteering (and volunteers), makes her a great addition to the team. She also has a strong track record in delivering both large- and small-scale music festivals, programs, and events.

Beatrice Lewis joins us as our new Workshop Facilitator. Beatrice is an accomplished composer, songwriter, performer, producer and a strong advocate for Indigenous women's music. Beatrice is also a songwriter and producer for award-winning indigenous band Kardajala Kirridarra. She is songwriter, performer and producer of one of Australia’s most electrifying new dance acts Haiku Hands and enjoys a flourishing and varied career as a solo artist.

Brandon Le Gallez takes up our new role of Communications & Community Engagement Manager. Originally from Queensland, Brandon arrived in Melbourne via Sydney. He has worked in a variety of marketing, promotions and communications roles for venues, record labels and promoters, and comes to us from his most recent position at Live Nation Australasia.

All wonderful additions to an already fantastic team! 

Board Update

Firstly, a massive thank you to this year’s outgoing Board Members: Jeff Jenkins, Fay Burstin, Jonathan Williamson and Jane Gazzo. You have each given so much to The Push and your legacy will live on for many years to come. 

Words can't quite describe our appreciation for the combined number of hours, heart and dedication you have each given to The Push. Thank you.

Secondly, this means we are seeking to appoint four new Board members. Candidates will have skills in the preferred areas of:

·       Government Relations

·       Philanthropy

·       Research and Strategy

·       Partnerships and Revenue

Find out more about these roles at: https://probonoaustralia.com.au/volunteer/committee-member-the-push-board-of-management/.

And finally – thank you to all our staff and Board for your dedication throughout this year. 

Here’s to a fantastic 2021! 

Moira McKenzie

Chairperson, The Push Inc

The Push